Finance Application
My basic income is over R7 500 per month before deductions?
Im a South African citizen?
Im not under any debt review?
I consent to Weelee applying for finance on my behalf with all supported Credit Providers?
I agree to the Weelee Finance Application Terms & Conditions?
First Name?
South African ID number?
Cellphone Number?
Email Address?
Employer Phone Number?
Individual or Company Application?
Employed or Self Employed?
Gross Income (From Payslip, Including Tax, Before any deductions)?
Other Income?
Any Deposit (Including Trade in Value)?
Household Expenses?
Rent/Bond Payment?
Any Other Expenses?
Bank Name?
Account Type?
Account Number?
We will not disclose any personal information to any unauthorised party outside of Weelee (Pty)Ltd.